Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Almost done with my first quarter!

I am so excited to finish this quarter. I had my last statistics class last night, and I don't have to take the final because I already have an A in the class without it. Tonight I have a big group presentation for my Intro to HR class, I have to write about 6 more pages for our final paper due next week, and I have about 100 pages left to read in a book for that class. Wednesday is my final then I am done for a month!

It has been quite an adjustment being back in school. It's especially hard in the mornings to think about everything I need for work, class, lunch, and dinner. I feel like I am always carrying a lot of stuff. And Tuesdays and Wednesdays have been really long - I leave around 8am and get home afer 9pm. Ryan has been really helpful doing more chores and making me the occasional dinner on my late nights. I have been tired so much more since school has started, but I think I am starting to adjust. Only 2.5 more years....

1 comment:

~Amanda~ said...

Hey! I was about to e-mail you and I decided to check your blog. And you just posted this today! Sorry, I haven't called you back, I've been meaning to, and then decided to e-mail you. And then decided to leave a comment! How exciting that your first quarter is almost done! I'm sure it's hard, but I'm glad that you are adjusting. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, I'll talk to you soon!