Thursday, January 17, 2008


I know, I know. It has been way too long since I have posted anything. I have been pretty busy. So Christmas break was good - it was so nice NOT to have school for a while! I have pictures, but I haven't taken them off of my camera yet, so I can't post them. New Years Eve was fun, too.

I have been watching a lot of The Office lately. I have to say, I think it is the funniest show ever made! Ryan and I have been watching it on DVD, and I think we are going to start over again tomorrow because it is that funny.

I have also been scrapbooking more over the last month - a few times a week, which is pretty good for me. I am really making progress toward finishing my wedding album, but it will be a while longer. I think I am going to redo my bridal shower pages bc I don't really like them that much anymore. After that, I just need to do the reception and everything else is basically done except glueing down some pics. So I am guessing it will be about 6 more pages. YAY! Finally!!!

The rest of the time, I am watching reality TV or brushing up on my financial knowledge. I am watching Suze Orman, the biggest loser, how I met your mother, rewatching Friends episodes on TBS, and any other reality show I can stand for an hour.

1 comment:

tiffany knox said...

I think friends is the funniest show ever! I am still hoping for pictures but I was surprised to find an update of any kind so I'll take it- I am just glad that you have a blog! how is life? chris feels your pain with the school? I am working overtime too! A lot of people dont think that what I do is work but read my blog-Its hardwork too!
I miss you a lot!!!