Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Almost Christmas...

It's almost Christmas! I will have 5 days off work (including the weekend) and I am pretty excited. We are spending two days with my family, two with his, then time on our own. It's going to be really fun and relaxing. We ALMOST finished Christmas shopping last night. We have only 3 more things to get I think. I have started wrapping presents and I will probably finish that tonight. I am not quite as excited this year about giving Ryan his presents, since last year I waited in line for the wii and could barely wait until Christmas to give it to him. This year he knows what his big present is already, so it's not quite as exciting. But I do have some other stuff for him so it will be fun!

What is everyone else doing?

1 comment:

~Amanda~ said...

Well, since you asked . . .
We will do Christmas morning here with Jill opening most/all of her presents. I'm pretty sure Dave and I aren't exchanging this year (we each bought what we wanted already). Then we are going down to my parents for the rest of the day and I'm way excited. Then, that weekend, Dave's family is coming down for his grandpa's birthday party, so we will see everyone then and it should be lots of fun, too.
I cut my hair way short, but no one has seen it yet.
What is Ryan's big present?
We got your card! Thanks! Did you get ours yet?