Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Another post

So this last weekend was pretty fun. Valerie and I spend Sunday shopping and had some Pizza Hut pizza which was SO awesome. In fact, the leftovers I had for lunch yesterday were the highlight of my day!

School is really back in session, and it is exhausting. By the time I get home around 9:30 or so, I am so tired, but usually hungry, too. So I have to stay up to eat, but I am almost too tired to eat. Anyway, my group was assigned last night for 2 projects I have to do in one class, and it doesn't look too bad. They are both pretty nice and smart. Tonight I think we pick groups for my other class. I have already had to do a few hundred pages of reading this quarter, so I am a bit behind. Perhaps after work before class I can try to catch up. I really just want to take a nap.

So nothing interesting is happening with me, really. Just school &work which is taking up a lot of time, and sleeping. Nothing too exciing.

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