Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Miterm is over!

I only had one midterm this quarter and it took place last night. I think I did pretty well on it, actually. I probably studied more than I had to, but I guess that is ok.

And an update, I decided to go get my tetanus shot the other day, and I did get the metal out of my hand!

Also, it looks like there will be an update on the job thing, keep checking back!

Other than that, our new patio set is really nice and I am planning to sit in it most of the evening tonihgt since I have no plans or obligations or class. Starting probably tomorrow I am going to focus a lot more on school and getting these projects finished. I guess I am sort of glad I took the classes I did the last 2 quarters bc it makes these others seem so much easier. Tonight would be a good night for some frisbee if I weren't so sore...

1 comment:

~Amanda~ said...

I'm glad that you have a patio set! I'd love to see pictures of it! And I'm glad that you have the weather to enjoy it! It snowed here today. Boo.
I'm also glad that you got the metal out of your hand and you're going to be ok!